
Chamber Strings in Greece

Time & Location

  • Sep 11-20, 2020
  • All day
  • Greek island of Kythira GR

On the Web

About the Workshop

Please note, this workshop gets fully booked almost a year ahead. If interested, mark this workshop for future interest and contact the organizers early.
By allocating each player to two ensembles for the week the course enables everyone to play with as many others as possible in a chamber setting.  Music covers the whole range of string chamber repertoire. Playing will be organised around morning and evening sessions that also include daily orchestral practice.  Subject to creating well-balanced ensembles, we can accept players with limited experience as well as satisfying the demands of players who are grade 7/8+.
Bookings open.  Places left:  Currently 1 x viola.  Violin and cello place all filled.  Reserve list in operation, contact
Check website for full details.


  • Chamber mostly string

Event Organizer

Allcomers Music, Rich Mix 44 (0)20 7739 4680