Brass Chamber Music Workshop, Week I

Time & Location

  • Jul 19-25, 2020
  • All day
  • Humboldt State University 1 Harpst St. Arcata, CA 95521 US

On the Web

About the Workshop

The Brass Chamber Music Workshop at Humboldt State University (BCMW) welcomes musicians of all ability levels to a one-of-a-kind opportunity to play chamber music for brass instruments. BCMW’s unique workshop setting and extensive mulic library provide participants with the opportunity to play in a variety of ensembles, ranging from trios to dectets, with coaching by some of the finest brass players and educators in the country. Each evening the participants perform for each other in a casual and supportive environment. In addition, there are special-interest sessions on brass-related topics, and ample time for participants to put together groups of their own making for further ensemble playing. BCMW is known for its relaxed atmosphere and the camaraderie among its participants, and for its support for promoting the creation of new music.

Come join us amid the spectacular scenery of California’s north coast for fun, friendship, and great music!


  • Chamber mostly wind

Event Organizer

Tony Clements (408) 410-8193