Octet Rehearsal

Point CounterPoint chamber music camp

Time & Location

  • Jun 21 - Aug 22, 2020
  • All day
  • Point CounterPoint 1361 Hooker Rd. Leicester, VT 05733 US

On the Web

About the Event

Located lakeside under the Green Mountains and along Lake Dunmore, the mission of Point CounterPoint is to share the love of chamber music in a mutually supported environment in which campers can grow to their full potential.

At Point CounterPoint, we believe that chamber music provides important musical and life lessons. For over 50 years, PCP has been the summer sanctuary for string, woodwind and piano students.

What is special about chamber music? Chamber Music is probably every professional musician’s favorite form of music making because it enables you to work with other people yet have an individual voice.

We offer two week sessions for ages 11-18 and a one week Prelude session for the youngest ages 8-13.

PCP offers a serious chamber music program balanced with a traditional camp experience!


  • Chamber mostly string

Event Organizer

Jennifer Beck Jennyb@pointcp.com 2678865359