Assisi Performing Arts Festival

Time & Location

  • Jul 10-27, 2023
  • All day
  • Online Event
  • Assisi, Italy Via Santa Chiara,2 Assisi, Umbria 06081 IT

About the Festival

Assisi Performing Arts began in the summer of 2001 under the direction of Gregory Scime to produce world-class vocal and chamber music performances. Twenty years later, professional musicians, students, and adult participants perform a rigorous schedule of approximately 20 concerts at various venues in Assisi within in a 2-week period. Vocalists enjoy an emphasis on sacred music and solos, while instrumentalists perform chamber music and solo recitals. The festival orchestra performs on its own and in combination with the festival choir for a final mass performance at the Basilica and Cathedral.


  • Beginners welcome
  • Chamber groups needed
  • Chamber mixed winds & strings
  • Concert
  • Ensemble singing
  • Masterclass
  • Musical holiday
  • Older Adults
  • Pre-formed groups accepted

Event Organizer

Leslie Schroerlucke 9095196775