Experience the joy of meeting new people and playing chamber music in the peaceful environment of Birch Creek Music Performance Center in Door County, Wisconsin. Birch Creek Music Performance Center is located in the heart of Door County, about an hour north of Green Bay, WI, in the ‘thumb’ of Wisconsin. The campus is situated on a 40-acre refurbished farm. Performances are held in a century-old performance barn as well as the modern Juniper Hall.
Known nationally and internationally for its summer music academy for aspiring young musicians, the Chamber Music Retreat at Birch Creek branches out to serve the adult chamber music enthusiast. This non-competitive program includes coached rehearsals and performance opportunities for all participants.
In this 2021 season, modifications to the schedule will be made with your health and safety in mind. Modifications will include the use of outdoor and/or larger well-ventilated rehearsal spaces, shorter rehearsals with frequent breaks, social and performance distancing, and as of now, masks/face coverings and potentially the use of performance masks and bell covers. Stay tuned to the COVID page at birchcreek.org/covid-19.