chamber music, amateurs, string and wind players, adults and children, young professional ensembles, music vacation, summer festival

Chamber Music Atelier Delft / Kamer Muziek Atelier Delft

Time & Location

  • Jul 27-31, 2022
  • 9:30 am
  • Prinsenkwartier Delft Sint Agathaplein 4 Delft, ZH 2611 HR Delft NL

On the Web

About the Masterclass

The Chamber Music Atelier Delft is an intensive, five-day chamber music course for string players, pianists, wind players and singers in the unique ambiance of the Delft Chamber Music Festival. 

The course will take place in several beautiful locations in the historic center of Delft. 

The Chamber Music Atelier is open for all chamber music ensembles (all ages and levels) and includes daily lessons with your ensemble ; free access to all workshops and lectures, informal concerts; joining the street and salon music activities; playing together with the teachers and performing in the final concert in Delft. The visits tot the concerts of the Delft Chamber Music Festival are optional.

You can apply with your ensemble or individually. All ages (5-100) and levels are welcome. 

Tutors: Raaf Hekkema – saxophone, Pavel Fischer, Nadia Wijzenbeek and Sidonie Riha – violin, Charles Watt – cello, Mirsa Adami  – piano

Visit our website for more information.




  • Kids welcome
  • Musical holiday
  • Pre-formed groups accepted

Event Organizer +31(0)647804890