Chamber Music Workshop – Fivesparks Music Festival

Time & Location

  • Dec, 29 2020
  • 5:00 pm
  • ONLINE 7 Fairbank Street Harvard, MA 01451 US

On the Web

About the Festivals

A Chamber Music Festival Online for

PLAYERS: experienced amateurs AS WELL professionally-bound players (individuals and pre-formed groups)

LISTENERS: of music, chamber music…sounds!


As with last year, for 2021, the three Artistic Directors (Judith Eissenberg, violin; Judith Gordon, piano; Rhonda Rider, cello) have created an online experience that is enlivening, enriching and educational. As we face things that are not possible in the online modality, we find new opportunities to replace them.

The Artistic Directors have created a full week of live-streamed offerings, a mix of daily gatherings to be enjoyed by the participating musicians, the local community, and a newly expanded cohort of music-lovers from faraway.   We are confident that the ‘daily-ness’ as well as the variety of programming will be welcomed by many who were seeking musical connections and experiences online. Using newly-learned technology skills, our team hosts wide-ranging lectures, discussions, presentations, and explorations of music, featuring guest performers and scholars from diverse backgrounds. We also incorporate individual coachings and masterclass experiences, core aspects of our first three years.

We offer synchronous, interactive encounters Monday through Friday, from 9 am through the evening.  Through versatile online platforms (e.g. Zoom, YouTube), we offer artist-led, interactive presentations, discussions and explorations of music, with musicians and musicologists from diverse backgrounds who have spent their lives thinking about and performing great works. We also offer individual mini-lessons, and coaching of ensembles (multi-screen video compiliatons – that we can help put together, pre-recorded).  If there are groups that are able to safely play together, we will offer coaching and masterclass sessions (over Zoom or another platform).


  • Advanced students and pre-professionals only
  • Chamber groups needed
  • Chamber mostly string
  • Individual study
  • Lecture
  • Masterclass
  • Older Adults
  • Pre-formed groups accepted
  • Social

Event Organizer

Judith Eissenberg 978 558 3132