Denver Chamber Music Festival Adult Amateur Workshop

Time & Location

  • Jun 2-4, 2023
  • All day
  • Online Event
  • Newman Center for the Performing Arts 2344 East Iliff Avenue Denver, CO 80210 US

About the Workshop

The Denver Chamber Music Festival is thrilled to announce the first annual DCMF Amateur Chamber Music Weekend, June 2-4, 2023. Hosted by the Newman Center at the University of Denver, participants will enjoy two full days of chamber music immersion culminating in a fun performance in the glorious Hamilton Recital Hall at the Lamont School of Music.

We will welcome preformed groups and individual musicians to work with world-class artists including Harumi Rhodes of the Takács String Quartet, pianist Stephanie Cheng, violist Margaret Dyer Harris, and cellists Alice Yoo and Matthew Zalkind. The philosophy of our DCMF Adult Amateur Chamber Music Weekend is to help our participants build meaningful connections to their instruments, their colleagues, and the music, and to make chamber music as moving and exciting as ever!

The fee to participate is $300*

Instruments: Violin, Viola, Cello, Piano

Eligibility: Non professional adult musicians

Application Deadline: May 1st

Please determine your playing level using the ACMP Guide

*Participation fee includes single tickets to DCMF Performances June 9th and June 10th


  • Beginners welcome
  • Chamber mostly string
  • Concert
  • Masterclass
  • Older Adults
  • Pre-formed groups accepted
  • Social
  • Weekend workshop

Event Organizer

Matthew Zalkind 3038716400