Exploring the science of Dendrochronology
Virtual Field Trip No. 2, brought to you by the Bratsche Bunch (bratschebunch.com)
January 30th, 2023, 6:30 to 8:00 PM, CST via Zoom
Dendrochronology, the science of using the characteristic patterns of annual growth rings in timber and tree trunks, is an invaluable tool to help scientists determine the age of ancient settlements and artifacts. Did you know that it is now used to authenticate instruments?
In this virtual field trip we will explore this technique and how it is used as a scientific method for dating the youngest tree ring on parts of musical instruments made from spruce (picea abies) or fir (abies alba). We often acquire our instruments through interesting circumstances and this is a way that we can find out even more about how our instruments came to be!
Special Guests:
Dr. Kiyomi Morino, Research Associate, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research
Dr. Morino will be talking about the history and techniques behind the science of Dendrochronology and why it is important not only to tree dating, but also climate research. She obtained her PhD degree from the University of Arizona, Department of Geography and Regional Development in 2008. Her areas of expertise include dendrochronology, ecophysiology, and Colorado River water policy.
Eddy and Mackenzie Miller, luthiers and owners of Denver Violins, will talk us through their own experience of using dendrochronology to authenticate instruments.
sign up for this FREE event at https://www.bratschebunch.com/events