Holiday Tunes Workshop

Time & Location

  • Aug, 4 2021
  • 10:00 am
  • The Old Avoca Schoolhouse, on line 504 Garfield Street Avoca, NE 68307 US

On the Web

About the Workshop

The Old Avoca Schoolhouse in Avoca, Nebraska will be streaming on line “Holiday Tunes  Workshops” for folks who play fiddle, violin, viola, cello, bass, mandolin,  soprano recorder, and alto recorder.


The Workshops will be on Tuesday, August 3, 7 PM and Wednesday, August 4, 10 AM, Central Time.


Each participant residing in the US will receive a copy of our “Holiday Tunes for Two”, written for the instrument of their choice.   


This collection includes festive music for Chanukah, Christmas, Cinco de Mayo, Easter, Father’s Day, Flag Day, Grandparents Day, Groundhog Day, Halloween, Independence Day, Labor Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Mother’s Day, New Year’s Eve, Passover, Patriots Day, Presidents Day, Purim, Rosh Hashanah, St. Patrick’s Day, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day, Veterans Day, and Yom Kippur.


“Overall, this is a great reference when in need of a special song for a particular holiday.”…Matt Merta, Fiddler Magazine, Fall 2020


“There are no difficult keys.  This edition would make for great additions to one’s recorder library.  Because they contain a mix of easier and a bit more challenging pieces that are pleasingly arranged, they offer less and more experienced players both a challenge and an opportunity to play simply for the enjoyment of the music.”……Victor Eijkhout American Recorder, Fall 2020



Pre-registration required.  The fee for one “Holiday Tunes Workshop” is $25.00.  The fee for two “Holiday Tunes Workshops” is $35.00.   Different tunes will be explored in each of the “Holiday Tunes Workshops”.


For more information and to register:

Event Organizer

Deborah Greenblatt 4022753221