Manchester and the Mountains Chamber Music Workshop

Time & Location

  • May 12-15, 2022
  • 3:00 pm
  • Manchester, Vermont 3967 main st Manchester, Vermont, VT 05255 US

On the Web

About the Workshop

A unique, non-competitive hands-on workshop for amateur musicians of all levels of play. We concentrate on playing chamber music literature authentically. Excellent coaching staff. Repertoire and groups assigned according to level of play and sent out four weeks prior to the event. Housed in the historic Inn at Manchester and other local venues.Sight reading sessions and master classes are part of this excellent learning and playing experience.Mostly for strings, but we accept some piano and winds.


  • Beginners welcome
  • Chamber mostly string
  • Masterclass
  • Pre-formed groups accepted

Event Organizer

janet hoffman 15163756266