multi age group

Maplewood Chamber Music Workshop

Time & Location

  • Sep 25 - Dec 11, 2021
  • All day
  • Ethical Culture Society of Essex County in Maplewood 516 Prospect Street Maplewood 07040 US

On the Web

About the Chamber groups needed

In existence for more than 25 years the workshop is located in beautiful Maplewood New Jersey.  There are two sessions per academic year each composed of 4 Saturday afternoons spaced about a month apart. In the fall and the spring the directors group the players by skill levels to work on their selected pieces. Of course preformed groups are always more then welcome. Each group is coached by professional musicians for half of the time on each day and works on its own for the remainder. There is a break in the middle of the afternoon for refreshments and hobnobbing. At the end of each afternoon there is a half-hour presentation of one kind or another geared to be of interest to the participants, perhaps a performance with professionals or a demonstration by an instrument builder or a brief lecture by a music historian.  At the final workshop of each session there is an opportunity for the groups to perform their pieces.

The fall ’21 dates will be

Sep 25, 

Oct.  23

Nov. 20

Dec. 11


  • Chamber groups needed
  • Chamber mostly string
  • Older Adults
  • Pre-formed groups accepted
  • Social
  • Weekend workshop

Event Organizer

Peter Lewy or Nancie Lederer 9172739693