Mingus Dynasty at the Vermont Jazz Center

Time & Location

  • Jan, 21 2023
  • 7:30 pm
  • Vermont Jazz Center 72 Cotton Mill Hill #222 Brattleboro, MA 05301 US

On the Web

About the Performance

Mingus Dynasty Band
at the Vermont Jazz Center

Saturday January 21, 2023
7:30 PM

An all-star group that tours the world, introducing & keeping afresh the complex, intense, & beautiful music of one of jazz’s greatest bassists/composers.

Craig Handy, tenor saxophone

Conrad Herwig, trombone

Jim Ridl, piano

Boris Kozlov, bass

Donald Edwards, drums

“Charles Mingus would be very proud of this band”
Saxophonist Charles McPherson, member of the original Mingus Orchestra

A Friend of VJC Educational Programs

Sliding scale $20-$50
Masks required.

Please contact in advance to facilitate
handicapped access

802 258 9088


Vermont Jazz Center
72 Cotton Mill Hill #222
Brattleboro VT 05301

Event Organizer

Ginger Morawski gingervjc@gmail.com 802 254 9088