
MusikSommerKurs 2020

Time & Location

  • Aug 30 - Sep 4, 2020
  • 1:00 pm
  • MusikAkademie Schloss Alteglofsheim Am Schlosshof 1 Alteglofsheim, BY 93087 DE

On the Web

About the Lecture

The MusikSommerKurs 2020 is aimed at musically interested young people between 11 and 18 years old. Existing ensembles or individual participants are both welcomed. Individuals are assembled by the lecturers in advance into suitable groups (i.e. violin-piano, string trio, piano trio or string quartet). During the course each ensemble works under the direction of experienced lecturers.

 Also, part of the course program are daily private lessons, piano four or six hands, auditioning, Music theory, and workshops on posture training under the guidance of a physiotherapist. 

The chamber music works are proposed by the lecturers or can be chosen by the participants themselves. The preparation of the works is expected before the beginning of the course. The number of participants is limited to a total of 24. The MusikSommerKurs ends with a final concert of all participants. 


  • Chamber mostly string
  • Individual study
  • Kids welcome
  • Musical holiday
  • Pre-formed groups accepted

Event Organizer

Konrad Bihler kurse@pianoart.info ++498215047393