(not just) Simpy, strings….a chamber music workshop

Time & Location

  • Oct 21-24, 2021
  • 4:00 pm
  • Manchester, Vermont 3967 main st manchester, VT 05255 US

On the Web

About the Festival

An exciting  musical learning and hands-on workshop for amateur string players of all levels of play.  We also welcome some winds and piano players. Small chamber ensembles and repertoire assigned 4 weeks before event. Our focus is to play, explore, and interpret chamber music repertoire , authentically.  Excellent and welcoming coaching staff.  Superb accomodations and food. Master classes….meet new friends…enjoy the beauty and history of Manchester, Vermont. Contact Janet Hoffman for more info and an application.


  • Chamber mostly string

Event Organizer

Janet Hoffman mmworkshops@aol.com 516-375-6266