Play In for Strings, Woodwinds, & piano

Time & Location

  • Feb, 17 2024
  • 1:00 pm
  • Central Church 1820 NE 21st Ave portland, OR 97212 US

On the Web

About the Play-In

Rescheduling of our 1/15/24 Play In, which was canceled due to ice/snow.

No pre-made groups. One week before, players are assigned to 3 rotating sessions of various groupings & piece (or choice of pieces).. Mostly for strings, for which there are presently still more spaces.  A few spaces  left for winds;  &  1 for a pianist. First come first serve for all spots. We have a large on-site music library. ACMP  covering most of fees except snacks. We have no website except the venue of Central Church.


  • Chamber mostly string

Event Organizer

Ginny Feldman 5039017329