Playing By Ear Workshop

Time & Location

  • Feb, 26 2021
  • 7:00 pm
  • On-line, streaming from The Old Avoca Schoolhouse 504 Garfield Street The Old Avoca Schoolhouse Avoca, NE 68307 US

On the Web

About the Workshop

Deborah Greenblatt will be presenting an On-Line Playing by Ear Workshop on Friday, February 26, from 7 PM – 8 PM, US Central Time.  Learn how to play what you hear.  We will focus on the rhythm (fast notes and slow notes), pitches (higher notes and lower notes), and fun.  Previous playing experience is helpful. Pre-registration required.  The fee for the “Playing By Ear Workshop” is $10.00 per musician.


For more information, and to register, send an email to Debby at

If you think you have registered but do not receive an e-mail confirmation from Debby within 24 hours please e-mail her at to let her know.

Event Organizer

Deborah Greenblatt 4022753221