PLAYWIP Jindřichův Hradec

Time & Location

  • Aug 8-23, 2020
  • 8:00 pm
  • Jindřichův Hradec Janderova 165 Jindřichův Hradec 37701 CZ

On the Web

About the Workshop

Participants of the 8-day PLAYWIP course are divided into two groups. Each group consists of four ensembles; each ensemble is coached by one member of Martinů Quartet. The coaches not only teach but they are also part of the ensemble. According to the daily schedule the members of the Martinů Quartet play half a day with the ensembles of each group. Each ensemble will study only one selected chamber work. During the course the Martinů Quartet will perform in a public concert in a venue in the vicinity of Jindrichuv Hradec designated specifically for the members of the workshop. The culmination of PLAYWIP will be a musical afternoon on the last day in which the participants can perform at the final informal concert. Two sessions are offered: August 9 – 18 and August 17 – 25. Participants can choose week or to stay both weeks.


  • Chamber mostly string
  • Pre-formed groups accepted

Event Organizer

Lubomír Havlák +420606888373