Rounds Workshop for Strings and Recorders

Time & Location

  • May, 8 2022
  • 7:00 pm
  • on line from The Old Avoca Schoolhouse 504 Garfield Street Avoca, NE 68307 US

On the Web

About the Workshop

The Old Avoca Schoolhouse in Avoca, Nebraska will be streaming an on line “Rounds Workshop” for fiddlers violists, cellists, and recorder players.  The Workshops will be on Tuesday, May 17, from 7 PM – 8 PM, and Wednesday, May 18 from 10 AM – 11 AM, Central time.  Different tunes will be played at each session. 


Each participant will receive a copy of our “Book of Rounds”, written in the clef of their choice.  It has 40 tunes in 13 keys from 12 countries.  The lyrics for 27 tunes are included, with handy indexes to organize it all.  Volumes with the same tunes are available for fiddle, viola, cello, soprano recorder, alto recorder, tenor recorder, and bass recorder.


During the Workshop, we will read, play, and discuss various survival skills for these kinds of pieces.  A treble clef version of the sheet music for the tunes being played will be displayed on Zoom’s screen during the workshop. 


There is limited enrollment, and pre-registration is required.  The fee for the “Rounds Workshop” is $20.00.  For more information, and to register:




“These are suitable for beginners and beyond.  This is a well-conceived volume of simple yet beautiful music…I can imagine it in a beginning string orchestra setting, and I recommend it.”—Hollis Taylor, Fidler Magazine


“All the rounds are playable by grade one players, so this is an excellent book for teachers. The rounds are excellent for warm-ups for violists of all levels. The wide variety of rounds in this book makes it hard to stop playing once started. Technically, all are in the first position, with only one round requiring an ’F’ above the stave to be played and all are written in alto clef. All the keys used are basic and well suited to the viola sonority. Highly recommended.” — Michael Vidulich, President Emeritus, Australian and New Zealand Viola Society

Event Organizer

Deborah Greenblatt 4022753221