The Old Avoca Schoolhouse in Avoca, Nebraska will be streaming an on line “Scandinavian Workshop” for fiddlers, violists, cellists, basses, and mandolin players. The Workshop will be on Friday, January 15, 2021, from 7 PM – 8 PM, US Central Time.
Each participant (US residents only) will receive a copy of our “Scandinavian Sampler for Two”, written in the clef of their choice.
This collection features 20 traditional tunes from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland.
During the Workshop, we will play and enjoy Scandinavian waltzes, polkas, ganglats, and polskas, etc.
Pre-registration required. The fee for the “Scandinavian Workshop” is $25.00.
For more information, and to register, send an email to Debby at
If you think you have registered but do not receive an e-mail confirmation from Debby within 24 hours please e-mail her at to let her know.