Tutti Cambristi 2024

Time & Location

  • Jun 22-23, 2024
  • All day
  • Accademia Gaffurio, Lodi Via Solferino 20 Lodi, LO 26900 IT

About the Workshop

The annual chamber music workshop for amateur musicians organized by AIMA reaches its 10th edition this year. It will take place on 22 -23 June 2024 at the Gaffurio Academy, Via Solferino 20, 26900, Lodi (LO). This workshop aims to offer amateur musicians from Italy and around the world the opportunity to study and perform in Italy under the guidance of renowned international professionals.

The workshop is open to amateur musicians of all ages: individual musicians and already organized groups (minimum 3 people). For all groups, activities are scheduled in 3-hour shifts, including 90 minutes with a tutor and 90 minutes for independent study. On Saturday evening after class there will be a party-a chance to meet other people and possibly play more pieces in a collective play-in. Finally, on Sunday, the workshop will end with a concert open to family and friends.


  • ACMP
  • Chamber groups needed
  • Chamber mixed winds & strings
  • Chamber mostly string
  • Chamber mostly wind
  • Concert
  • Pre-formed groups accepted
  • Weekend workshop

Event Organizer

Clarice Zdanski workshop@aimamusic.it +393477986750