Lakeside Chautauqua, Ohio

Harpa International Music Academy USA (HIMA USA)

Time & Location

  • Aug 1-5, 2022
  • All day
  • Lakeside Chautauqua Lakeside, OH 43440 US

On the Web

About the Workshop

Harpa International Music Academy USA (HIMA USA) is a new summer string academy founded and directed by Sibbi Bernhardsson, Professor of Violin at Oberlin Conservatory and 17-year member of the Grammy-winning Pacifica Quartet. Taking place at the beautiful lakefront vacation community of Lakeside Chautauqua, Ohio on the Lake Erie shore, HIMA USA will offer three simultaneous programs in August 2022: 1) Adult Amateur Chamber Music Workshop 2) Advanced String Quartet Intensive for Pre-formed Emerging Professional Quartets 3) Junior String Workshop for children ages 7-12. Through an intergenerational celebration of chamber music, each program will enhance and inspire the other. HIMA USA is a sister festival to Harpa International Music Academy in Iceland. The adult amateur workshop will include daily coachings by world-class faculty, master classes, string technique classes, chamber music reading sessions and daily rehearsal time and dedicated space for each ensemble. Participants will have access to all of the amenities and offerings of Lakeside Chautauqua including cultural and recreational activities, pool, tennis courts, yoga, boating, lectures, and more.


  • Chamber mostly string

Event Organizer

Sally Takada 440-462-8624