Adult Chamber Workshop

PCP Adult Chamber Workshop

Time & Location

  • Aug 26-30, 2020
  • 12:00 pm
  • Point CounterPoint 1361 Hooker Rd. Leicester, VT 05733 US

On the Web

About the Workshop

At Point CounterPoint, we believe that chamber music should be played by all ages! In 2009, we began our Adult Chamber Workshop in late summer which incorporates the same ideals and joys that our young musicians have enjoyed for 55 plus years. 

Our resident faculty coaches both preset groups and those that apply individually. During the session, each participant receives a private lesson, is grouped into two different ensembles and rehearses with daily coachings. Repertoire is sent to participants approximately 6 weeks prior to the start of the workshop. Our faculty performs locally and is a popular event for our local communities.

At the end of the session, there is a final performance in front of our group. We welcome new fellow musicians and enjoy the connections we make every year!

Event Organizer

Jennifer Beck 2678865359