Opus 1 Chamber Music School

Opus 1's mission is to provide premiere and accessible chamber music education to pre-college and adult musicians in Houston.

Whether it’s a student’s first or latest in a history of chamber music experiences, we teach the virtues and skills involved in social and professional collaboration, verbal and musical communication, and musical sensitivity. Our goal is to create experiences and ensembles – tailored to the unique personality and playing of every student – that foster a sense of community, high standards, and enthusiasm for each other and chamber music. Whether a student intends to pursue music as a career or as a lifelong hobby, we will equip them with the interpersonal and musical skills and passions that chamber music has the unique potential to provide.


11140 Greenbay St, Houston, TX 77024, USA.

Organization Contact

Marisa Ishikawa ishikawa.violin@gmail.com 7204704018