Click on this link:
Select the concert of your choice
Click on “Buy Tickets“
At the top left (above the seating chart), click on “use ticket access code”
Enter the code ACMP and click on “Apply“
Scroll down and choose either ACMP Complimentary Ticket – In Person (in New York City) OR ACMP Complimentary Ticket – Virtual
Select the number of tickets you would like (up to 2)
Complimentary tickets for the in-person concerts are general admission at Washington Irving and Balcony seats at Town Hall in rows D and E. Seats at the latter venue will be marked so you know where to sit.
NOTE: At the bottom of the form, Peoples’ Symphony Concerts has put a default $10 donation in the “Please make a donation” field. That is a donation to Peoples’ Symphony – not to ACMP. If you prefer not to donate to them, please click on the $10 and change it to $0.
After that you can finish checking out.
Enjoy the concert!